[on steam] hack free cheats Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD Role Playing genre

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1.1.16 ver Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD cheats



I love this game and really enjoy playing it, but after this recent update, I’ve run into a few glitches. These two glitches are really that bad. The first one is that cloaks don’t work properly anymore. The ships coloring after cloaking never exactly matches the background anymore, so playing the supernova expansion is really dumb because I can see the stealth fighters even when cloaked completely removing the challenge. This also messes with the player’s cloak too, and it makes the cloaked ship silly looking. Occasionally activating a cloak will freeze the game either by the player or the stealth fighters which would be slightly annoying, but the games autosave makes it just a minor setback. Then other glitch I’ve found is that the games music has been permanently turned off. No matter how many times I change the settings to music on I can never hear it. When I restart the app the music is turned off again even if I set the music to on. How am I supposed to kill stealth fighters or voids without their respective theme songs? Yes this glitches are very small and petty, but they ruin the immersion just a bit. I play on a iPhone 6S with fully updated iOS software

Publish date - 2011-10-08

size - 1231 megabytes

• Fixed the crash during dialogue in the supernova add-on

3591 vote

Purchase - Valkyrie & Supernova Bundle

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